IT Cruises

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do I have to learn to swim to go scuba diving?

Since I will already be underneath the water, would it make a difference to know how to swim on top of the water?

A challenge I made for myself this year-2009 is to learn something new. I'm terrified of swimming.I had a horrid experience when I was 13 years old at school in the P.E.(physical education) swimming class-I almost drowned. Nevertheless, I always wanted to learn to scuba dive(watching Jacques Creadeau(?) TV shows in the 60's(he was a sea explorer))

I cannot drown wearing the scuba diving (breathing)apparatus gear, right?

this sounds like a really stupid question,but i really need to know.

Answer :
I am sorry, but I have never read a more stupid question. What do you want then to do, lower you into the water on a sling?

Answer :
You'll need swimming basics and be able to tread water Vernal and yes you can drown scuba diving. You can drown in a bathtub too. It's usually a leading cause of death amongst divers for some reason.
You will need to be able to tread water for 10 minutes and swim 200 meters using any stroke you'd like or even a combination of strokes. Alternatively, you can do a mask and snorkel swim, but it's longer at 300 meters. A bonus is if you're comfortable in the water, that always helps.
Honestly, right now, I don't think scuba is for you. Maybe when you've gained some swimming skills and confidence.

Answer :
Well im glad to hear of your new goal, and it is a great one! Scuba Diving is one of the most fun things you will ever do.

Ok, so, YES you can drown while scuba diving. But you will be trained on how to take care of any problems you may encounter also there will be a guide there at all times to help you out.

Your guide will teach you how to swim underwater when you take your class in a pool before you go into the ocean. I have seen people who did not know how to swim go scuba diving before, so YOU CAN DO IT!

Answer :
Vernal, if I were you, I would adjust my 2009 resolution in a different direction. Your resolution to learn something new this year should be scaled back from scuba diving to just simply learning how to swim and learning to be comfortable in water. Once an instructor sees how uncomfortable you are in the water, especially if you frequently verge on panic, they will drop you like a hot potato, hopefully keeping any deposit or tuition money you have already given them. In terms of learning something new, I'm also thinking getting your GED would be a good idea.

People die doing scuba, all the time. In my little neck of the woods (the Florida Keys), 10-20 scuba divers die each and every year.

Every scuba certification agency requires their instructors to administer a swim test to ALL prospective students. Because the certification agencies are basically business's founded on the principle of making money and profit (PADI especially), this swim test is fairly easy and difficult to fail. PADI, the largest certification agency in the world ('largest' does not equal 'best') requires students to either swim 200 yards without assist (fins), or 300 yards with fins, and also to float/tread water for a minimum of 10 minutes. Other agencies will have similar or stricter requirements.

Your question did not make clear whether you want to actually become a certified scuba diver. You simply stated that you wanted to 'learn' diving. Another option, if all you want to do is go diving is to take what is called a 'resort course', AKA 'scuba in a day'. With this option, you simply learn the absolute basics you need to know in order to keep from killing yourself on a dive, then you partake in an instructor-escorted dive. It is a good way to sample whether diving is for you or not. Please forewarn the instructor about your uncomfortableness in the water, and let them decide whether or not to accept you.

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