I heard that they won't work . I'm going on Royal Caribbean Explorer of the Seas and I was wondering if I should bring one.
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That's wierd. I always bring an Indiglow night light along with a power strip. There is only one outlet in the room, so definately bring a power strip. Also any chargers for MP3 players, and the like. Whoever said a night light won't work is giving you the business.
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I've just come back from a cruise on Explorer of the Seas. I had an interior cabin, and I used a night light in the bedroom. I had no problem. I tried using it in the bathroom and it didn't seem to work. You might want to bring a small flashlight.
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nightlights are fire hazards. the biggest fear for a ship is fire. they dont even allow irons in the room
The simplest answer is dinosaur bones. The ancients who found these bones mistook them for animals that only died a few weeks ago. For example, what would you think if you found the bones of a giant creature that had a skull like a crocodiles, claws like a lion and a tale like a snake? And you had no former knowledge of dinosaurs what so ever. Your easiest conclusion would be a...dragon.
It's like one of the other answers said, some time ago the Greeks fond the bones of a dinosaur with a beak, so they created the griffin. People back in the day were kind of stupid, they made up a bunch of creatures just so they could explain everyday phenomenon.
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I understand what you are saying. It is like at the bottom depths of the ocean what creatures lie. We have know way of knowing because we are not technologically advanced that we can explore. Like when a hurricane washed up to shore all of those weird creatures. You just never know what is out there. We are still finding new creatures and evidence of strange creatures that had never been documented. Either way you look at it whether God creates or Evolution you have to ask why would either stop now. So what could be a new species today could easily be a mythological creature in the far future. You never know!
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I've seen a few weird things in my time, enough to know to keep my mind open about what exists and what doesn't. I just don't think it all exists in this dimension. Most of the stuff I've seen existed in a higher dimension, where angels exist.
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There was a program on the History Channel that stated most mythical creatures were ancient peoples trying to make sense of dinosaur bones that had been dislodged through erosion, earthquakes, etc.
The legend of the Griffin was told to Europeans by Chinese traders who had found the skeletal remains of a dinosaur that had a beak. The area around Greece has a lot of earthquake activity and a lot of prehistoric bones were found; the legends of the Titans, etc were their interprtations of the huge fossilized bones they found.
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I've always thought the same thing too, especially about Dragons.
This is a pretty informative yet cool website that will tell you all about dragons throughout history and their lore. Along with some very exciting artwork.
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The legend of the Griffin was told to Europeans by Chinese traders who had found the skeletal remains of a dinosaur that had a beak. The area around Greece has a lot of earthquake activity and a lot of prehistoric bones were found; the legends of the Titans, etc were their interprtations of the huge fossilized bones they found.
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I've always thought the same thing too, especially about Dragons.
This is a pretty informative yet cool website that will tell you all about dragons throughout history and their lore. Along with some very exciting artwork.
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This is indeed true.
The vampire is one of the best examples- ranging from the
Vroukolakas of Greece to the Chupacabra of South America. I don't agree that mythological creatures must be FACT, based on this observation but it certainly is interesting.
The vampire is one of the best examples- ranging from the
Vroukolakas of Greece to the Chupacabra of South America. I don't agree that mythological creatures must be FACT, based on this observation but it certainly is interesting.